Call us 

The Prince Henry Society
New Bedford Chapter
PO Box 6726
New Bedford, MA 02742

Board of Directors

President Armando M. Pereira
First Vice-President Shawn R. Braz
Second Vice-President David Amaral
Treasurer Agostinho F. Pinto
Secretary Paul Douglas

Board of Directors

1 year term (expires 6/30/2025)
Edward Bernardo
Avelino Alves
Michael Tavares

2 year term – to fill vacancy (expires 6/30/2026)
Shaun Ferreira * to fill vacancy
John Araujo
Kyle Mello

3 year term – to fill vacancies (expires 6/30/2027)
Wayne Trahan
Michael Medeiros
John Pereira

Founders – (expires 6/30/2025)
Nelson Cardoso
Joseph Delgado
Carlos Pinhancos

State Council Delegates – (expires 6/30/2025)
Armando Pereira
Marc Santos
Manuel Louro
William A. Viveiros
Jose Pereira
Agostinho Pinto

State Council Alternate Delegates – (expires 6/30/2025)
Edward Bernardo
Shawn Braz
Manuel Moniz
John Pereira
Carlos Pinhancos
Francisco Samuel


William A. Viveiros
Marc Santos
Joe Tavares
Michael Tavares
Stephen Ferreira
Carlos A. DaCunha
Thomas J. Alves
Manuel Pereira
Manuel J. Louro
Victor Pinheiro
Anthony J. Martin
Jose S. Castelo
Charles Jorge
Barry Sylvia
George Bettencourt
Richard Borges
Ken Ferreira
Manuel Goulart
Arlindo B. Fernandes
Ronald A. Borges
Al Dias
Bernard Cabral Esq.
Joaquim Nobrega